Jacob Ablin

Dr. Jacob Ablin is specialist of general Internal Medicine and Rheumatology. He is head of Internal Medicine at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center and a senior lecturer at the Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. From 2002-2016, he served as the Director of the Fibromyalgia Clinic at the Institute of Rheumatology at the Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center.
Dr. Ablin was first author of the Israeli guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of Fibromyalgia, published in 2013. He was Co-Organizer of the First International Symposium on Fibromyalgia held at the Peres Center for Peace, Jaffa, Israel in February 2013.
He is currently an elected member of the Steering Committee of the Israeli Society of Rheumatology. His main clinical and research interests are Pathogenesis, Genetics and Epidemiology of the Fibromyalgia Syndrome.
He has scientific collaborations with several researchers worldwide, e.g. Professor Fred Wolfe, Wichita (USA), Professor Dan Clauw, Michigan (USA), Professor Dr. Mary-Ann Fitzcharles, Montreal (Canada) Professor Winfried Häuser, Munich (Germany) and Professor Dan Buskila Beer – Sheva (Israel).