Giuseppina Fabio
AISF ODV (Italian Association of Fibromyalgia Syndrome), Italy

Giuseppina Fabio is 48 years old .
She lives in Milan, but was born and lived for many years in Palermo, Sicily. She is married and has one son.
Giuseppina works for a provider agency as a consultant.
She is also Vice-president of the patients’ association named AISF ODV (ITALIAN ASSOCIATION OF FIBROMYALGIA SYNDROME).
Giuseppina is affected by Fibromyalgia as well and working as a volunteer for this association is very important to her.
Being an active member of the patient’s association is almost a treatment for her: It helps her to live with the disease and gives her the opportunity to help others.
She strongly believes in the role of AISF ODV because it is a reference point for patients; as an association that educates people and collaborates with expert health care personnel in order to give patients the best opportunity of treatment.
Giuseppina loves to help, to inform, to listen and to support the patients. It is her life’s mission.